Urban Agriculture/ Neighborhood Gardens is a community program that supports food security and urban greening by providing assistance to individuals, neighborhoods and organizations throughout the area wanting to create gardening spots.

Coalition Building
IGO seeks to bring together people from the local food system to promote a healthy response to local food, farm and nutrition issues; to develop connections between the public, non-profit and for-profit food sectors; and to encourage long-term planning for our community. 

Food Education
IGO bases much of its efforts on educating people about the importance of urban agriculture, nutrition, slow food, food sustainability, and all aspects of food security.
Programs URGE
Urban Revitalization & Garden Enterprises is a youth run non-profit renewal and gardening business that works to improve neighborhoods through creating green spaces and providing organic vegetables for sale at the local farmer’s market. URGE teaches job skills, business techniques, leadership, nutrition, organic gardening, food security, self–sufficiency and self-management skills.